Revithoussa 3rd LNG Tank

Early 2015, Neotek supplied and supervised the installation of geotechnical monitoring instruments, namely load cells and multipoint borehole extensometers, involved in monitoring the construction of the 3rd LNG Tank.

Valsamioti Dam

In early 2014, NEOTEK supplied and installed a Multichannel Accelerograph system to monitor, via telemetry, the dynamic structural response of the dam. The previous year, several Vibrating wire piezometers were supplied to measure pore water pressures at selected locations.

Temple of Apollo Epikourios

Τhe Ministry of Culture and Sciences awarded our company the supply and commissioning of a triaxial digital accelerograph network that was installed on selected points of the temple ruins to monitor the effects of earthquakes on the integrity of the monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.

Nama Lab

In late 2009 NEOTEK supplied and installed complete laboratory equipment for testing aggregates, soils, concrete, rock and asphalt, including fully automated triaxial testing, direct shear and consolidation testing systems, CBR and Marshall, concrete compression machine with elastic limit monitoring for rocks, PSV, AAV, etc. For onsite testing, portable non-destructive units, as well as soil and…

Edafos Consulting Engineers

Mid 2009, NEOTEK supplied to a private owned laboratory in Athens and installed a fully Automated Triaxial testing system, Automated Oedometers, Ring shear machine, CRS test system, and a central Data Acquisition system with dedicated software.


The above geotechnical laboratory was fully equipped by NEOTEK in late 2007. The supply and installation included an Automated Triaxial testing system, several Oedometers, CBR testing machine, Digital Shearbox, Unconfined testing machine, Automatic Concrete Compression machine, etc.


NEOTEK supplied and installed at GeoStand in Athens fully equipped geotechnical laboratories for aggregates, soil, cement, concrete and asphalt, as well as on-site non-destructive testing units, in mid-2006.

Lesvos, Natural History Museum

A Seismic Table was supplied and installed at the Museum in late 2008. The table size is 2mx4m,  has a capacity for 20 people and 2.5 degrees of freedom (dof), providing students and visitors basic training related to earthquake human response during simulations of known events.