Neotek project - Plaka bridge

Plaka bridge

In 2019, during the reconstruction of the historic Plaka bridge in western Greece, NEOTEK supplied and installed instruments for monitoring the structural integrity of the bridge during the construction phase. In addition, a permanent system was installed in order to follow up the bridge status in the years to come. Topographic targets, crackmeters and VW strain gauges combined with a data acquisition unit monitor strains induced to the bridge. Data can be downloaded remotely via GSM 4G network.

Neotek project - PPC Ptolemais station

PPC Ptolemais station

A system with a central wireless automatic data logger for monitoring the possible deformations of the steel structure of the Tower was supplied and installed by NEOTEK in 2018 during the lifting phase of the side walls of the new 5th Power Station of the PPC development in Ptolemais.

Neotek project - Skiron Tunnel

Skiron Tunnel

Early 2017, NEOTEK supplied and installed a number of Vibrating Wire Crackmeters in a tunnel located on the Athens – Corinth Motorway. A central automatic data logger on site allows the owner, Olympia Odos, telemetrically monitoring of existing cracks.

Neotek projects - Klokova Tunnel

Klokova Tunnel

During 2015 and 2016, NEOTEK supplied TERNA SA over 400 geotechnical instruments, namely shotcrete pressure cells, piezometers, VW strain gauges and load cells for tunnel monitoring during various construction phases.

Neotek project - Holy Sepulcher

Holy Sepulcher

For the reconstruction of the Holy Sepulcher monument undertaken by NTUA in 2016, NEOTEK supplied to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem a Dynamic structural health monitoring system, a Multichannel Wireless system aimed to monitor temperature and relative humidity, and a portable Ultrasonic Tomography unit for the evaluation of the structural integrity.

Neotek project - PPC Dams

PPC Dams

In 2016 NEOTEK supplied and installed a number of the latest technology, high resolution, digital Accelerographs to monitor structural response during earthquakes on seven PPC Hydro-electric Dams all over Greece. Neotek has been supplying strong motion accelerograph systems to PPC for several decades.

Neotek project - Stavros Niarchos FCC

Stavros Niarchos FCC

During the construction phase of one of the most important developments in Athens, NEOTEK supplied and installed a Soil Extensometer in 2013 for monitoring possible deformations of the artificial hill, a Strain/Load monitoring system employed during the de-propping phase of the solar collector roof canopy in 2015, and supported a Digital Accelerograph system for initial structural monitoring.

Neotek project - Nea Odos

Nea Odos

The first Weigh-in-Motion system in Greece was supplied and installed in 2015 by NEOTEK near Avlona on the National Motorway Athens – Lamia (P.A.TH.E.), to monitor, in real time, the vehicle data (weight, speed & axle distance), even at high speeds. The WIM can be coupled to existing camera surveillance system to provide the highway operator with crucial information regarding its maintenance, traffic information as well as enforcing penalties to overweight trucks.

Neotek project - Athens Metro

Athens Metro

From 2013 and up to early 2017, Neotek supplied hundreds of geotechnical instruments for the 6 new stations and TBM tunnel interstations of the Athens Metro extension line to Piraeus. A variety of sensors, including VW strain gauges, crackmeters, tilt meters, load cells, multipoint borehole extensometers, portable inclinometers and casing, in-place inclinometers and automatic telemetry data loggers, are employed to monitor crucial parameters for the TBM passage and constructions in general.

Neotek project - Amfipolis Tomb

Amfipolis Tomb

During late 2015, NEOTEK supplied and installed a system to monitor the Static structural response of the metal components of the fixative provision installed during the excavation process. A centrally located data logger collects measurements from strain gauges, ambient thermometers and crackmeters. The system was expanded in 2019 with more sensors, monitoring several parameters, such as inclination, acceleration, load, and displacement.

Neotek project - Revithoussa 3rd LNG Tank

Revithoussa 3rd LNG Tank

Early 2015, Neotek supplied and supervised the installation of geotechnical monitoring instruments, namely load cells and multipoint borehole extensometers, involved in monitoring the construction of the 3rd LNG Tank.

Neotek project - Valsamioti Dam

Valsamioti Dam

In early 2014, NEOTEK supplied and installed a Multichannel Accelerograph system to monitor, via telemetry, the dynamic structural response of the dam.
The previous year, several Vibrating wire piezometers were supplied to measure pore water pressures at selected locations.
Neotek project - Temple of Apollo Epikouros

Temple of Apollo Epikourios

Τhe Ministry of Culture and Sciences awarded our company the supply and commissioning of a triaxial digital accelerograph network that was installed on selected points of the temple ruins to monitor the effects of earthquakes on the integrity of the monument, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.

Neotek project - Nama Lab

Nama Lab

In late 2009 NEOTEK supplied and installed complete laboratory equipment for testing aggregates, soils, concrete, rock and asphalt, including fully automated triaxial testing, direct shear and consolidation testing systems, CBR and Marshall, concrete compression machine with elastic limit monitoring for rocks, PSV, AAV, etc. For onsite testing, portable non-destructive units, as well as soil and cement standard test sets, were supplied.

Neotek project - Edafos Consulting Engineers

Edafos Consulting Engineers

Mid 2009, NEOTEK supplied to a private owned laboratory in Athens and installed a fully Automated Triaxial testing system, Automated Oedometers, Ring shear machine, CRS test system, and a central Data Acquisition system with dedicated software.

Neotek project - Geodomi


The above geotechnical laboratory was fully equipped by NEOTEK in late 2007. The supply and installation included an Automated Triaxial testing system, several Oedometers, CBR testing machine, Digital Shearbox, Unconfined testing machine, Automatic Concrete Compression machine, etc.

Neotek project - GeoStand


NEOTEK supplied and installed at GeoStand in Athens fully equipped geotechnical laboratories for aggregates, soil, cement, concrete and asphalt, as well as on-site non-destructive testing units, in mid-2006.

Neotek project - Crete, Natural History Museum

Crete, Natural History Museum

Early 2008, NEOTEK supplied and installed a planar triaxial Earthquake Demonstration Table with 12m2

area and passenger capacity of 20, which is being used for educational purposes for schools and interested visitors in the Museum.

Neotek project - Lesvos, Natural History Museum

Lesvos, Natural History Museum

A Seismic Table was supplied and installed at the Museum in late 2008. The table size is 2mx4m,  has a capacity for 20 people and 2.5 degrees of freedom (dof), providing students and visitors basic training related to earthquake human response during simulations of known events.

Neotek project - Democritus University of Thrace

Democritus University of Thrace

During mid-2007, NEOTEK supplied and installed a 1 dof SHAKE TABLE with 3.4mx3.4m area to the Department of Civil Engineering, which is used for various structural testing applications under different earthquake scenarios. The table isexpandable to triaxial.

Neotek project - University of Patras

University of Patras

At the end of 2008, a uniaxial Seismic Table was supplied and installed by NEOTEK at the Department of Civil Engineering.  The table area is 3mx5m, it is expandable to triaxial, and is used for structural testing and earthquake simulation.

Neotek project - National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens

For the experimental simulation of soil-structure systems at the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, a shake table of 1.3mx1.3m with a max load capacity of 500Kg and 1g maximum acceleration, was supplied and installed by NEOTEK in 2006.

Neotek project - Seismopolis


The first educational seismic simulator system in Greece was supplied and installed by NEOTEK at the Municipality of Rentis, Athens. The table has an area of 3x5m and was structured as a household kitchen so that students & visitors could be educated how to respond to earthquakes.
Neotek project - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In 2014, a uniaxial portable shake table with an area of 50x70cm was supplied to the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundation and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for model vibration testing.

Neotek project - Frederick University, Cyprus

Frederick University, Cyprus

A small shake table was supplied by our company together with building models of different heights and ancillary instrumentation such as accelerometers, strain gauges & displacement transducers for educational and small-scale research purposes to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Similar systems have been supplied to the University of Patras, the Technological Institute of Patras, the University of Thessaly, NTUA & ITSAK.

Neotek project - University of Patras

University of Patras

Neotek supplied two MTS fully equipped servo-hydraulic Materials Testing Systems to the Laboratory of Technology and Strength of Material some two decades ago. In 2016, the 250kN System Controller was replaced by the latest technology one. It was installed successfully and is fully operational.

Neotek project - National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens

Several years ago, Neotek supplied to the Laboratory of Pavement Engineering the first dedicated pavement & asphalt MTS Servo-hydraulic testing system. In 2015, the Laboratory replaced the complete old electronic control system and software with a latest technology one that was supplied and fully commissioned by NEOTEK.

National Technical University of Athens

NEOTEK supplied to the Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, originally a 250kN and later on a 100kN, fully equipped MTS Servo-hydraulic Testing Systems for applied research purposes. Both systems were upgraded to the latest electronic control technology and are fully operational.

Neotek project - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

A biaxial servo-hydraulic Structural Testing System was supplied by NEOTEK to the School of Civil Engineering, Laboratory of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, for testing real size structural elements in the special strong floor-mounted steel frame area of the laboratory. A state-of-the-art electronic control system was supplied and installed in 2014 that provides elaborate simultaneous control of the two actuators and is expandable to additional channels.

Neotek project - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

An expandable multi-axial MTS structural testing system was supplied and installed in the School of Mechanical Engineering in 2014 for testing vehicle structures at high and low-frequency fatigue tests. The system comprises of one 50kN actuator, a digital multi-channel controller with software, and a hydraulic power pack.

Neotek project - University of Thessaly

University of Thessaly

The Concrete Technology and Reinforced Concrete Structures Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering have been using MTS servo-hydraulic actuators for uniaxial and multi-axial tests. The electronic control system was upgraded in 2014 to provide simultaneous control of two actuators for more elaborate tests. The system was supplied and commissioned by NEOTEK.

Neotek project - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The first MTS Dynamic Triaxial Testing System for soils in Greece was supplied to the Division of Geotechnical Engineering, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, Foundations and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, several years ago. The original electronic control system was replaced by an MTS digital computer-controlled system that was supplied and installed by NEOTEK.

Neotek project - National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Athens

An MTS 10kN Electro-dynamic testing system for light materials was supplied and commissioned to the Strength of Materials Laboratory of the Engineering Department (SEMFE). The system was supplied complete with a number of testing accessories and upgraded with the supply of a Video Extensometer system for non-contact information on the behavior of materials under testing.

Neotek project - Cyprus University of Technology

Cyprus University of Technology

The Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics procured in 2010 a complete MTS servo-hydraulic Structural Testing System comprising of hydraulic power and cooling system, four servo-hydraulic actuators of various sizes for static and dynamic applications, a multi-channel digital control system and software. The system was supplied, installed and commissioned successfully by NEOTEK.
Neotek project - Certh


In 2016, NEOTEK supplied and installed a Video-extensometer system to monitor strain on materials under testing to the Institute of Research and Technology, Volos.